Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Food Log | 08 November 2011

Food Intake 

Breakfast: (1) Pandesal from Pan de Manila (80 calories)
AM Snack: (3) Stick-O's (75 calories)
Lunch: Grilled chicken, grilled pork, roast beef in gravy and boiled okra, tomatoes and eggplant in shrimp paste
PM Snack: (1) Chocolate Madeleine (100 calories)
Dinner: (2/3) Roasted Chicken Pesto and Shiitake Mushroom on flat bread, (1) Grande Passion Iced Tea, (1/4) Molten Chocolate Cake

Starbucks Planner Update (4/17)

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm back and I've got my game face on

So there are a few things that should I say, have been worrying me and have given me a reason to rethink the way I live my life.

1. I've suffered from skin asthma most of my life and I have only recently grown out of it. However, I'm not sure if it's in the way our helper cleans the house and launders our linens, or if the Philippines is just getting more polluted than what I'm used to, or if I'm just really stressing myself too much at work. Whatever reason it is, my skin's inching its way back to its old ways and it's scaring me. I need a healthier and cleaner diet, and I have to start consciously being more aware of how I take care of my body. 

2. Early on this year I weighed 150lbs. I joined the gym and committed to a self-proclaimed healthy diet which didn't seem to work in the beginning. Months after I went down to 140lbs and now I've plateaued to in between that number and 143lbs. I guess I can be proud of that but I feel like I'm just being fooled by the numbers. I've been eating more than I should lately and oddly so, I haven't gained as much as I thought I would. I feel like I look fatter, I just didn't gain as much as I look. I need a good balance between my physical changes and what comes out on the scale to help me sleep at night.

3. I earn a pretty decent amount of money and work for a hotel that I can be proud of any day. But some days I really don't feel accomplished enough when I compare myself to kids my age. I try to think of ways to earn more. I would want to put up a business one day, something that I can do on the side without putting into jeopardy my position in my current job. But today, this is what I have and this is what I'm doing. I just need someone to tell reassure me that I am 21, young and with a lot of potential to make big money someday.

I am in no way sure if these things are worth my time. But they do worry me and I need to make a few changes. Today, I am going to set my 2012 New Year's Resolution early and apply this starting the second half of November (16th). 

1. No softdrinks, iced tea and artificial fruit juices. 
2. No popping zits, no scratching rashes, nails cut short at all times.
3. Skip breakfast, less carbs, no to snacking
4. Commit to this exercise regimen:
     30 minute cardio (5 days a week)
     15 minute weight training/on the mat (optional)
5. Sleep at least 6 hours a day
6. Open a new bank account and set aside Php 15,000 a month
7. Contribute Php 5,000 a month for family expenditures
8. Keep a food log and keep track of what I spend on on a daily basis (could do that here)

And a couple of plans me and my friends have for next year and the near future. This is where strict saving is needed.

1. Boracay with Option A this January 2012
2. Singapore with Batch 85 loves on the fourth quarter of 2012
3. Train with Ja this December

I may or may not add onto this list. I do think every single one is doable. I'm just the type of person who has trouble committing to things. I guess it's about time to man up and stand by something. This is all for me after all. 

Wish me luck. Hoping to drop down to 130lbs by April in time for summer. For now, toodles. <3

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Food Log (051011)

Food intake (May 10, 2011)

Breakfast: 1 tbsp light butter, 1 toasted white bread
AM snack: Fita spicy tuna
Lunch: 1/3 medium marinated milkfish, 1/2 cup rice
PM snack: 1 pack Snyder's Honey Mustard and Onion Hanover Pretzels
Dinner: Cibo's Verdure Panini (sauteed zucchini, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and eggplant on pesto)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm obsessed with bling but I hardly wear em

So I've always been really into accessories since forever. I have 10 ear piercings and when I wasn't lazy back then, I actually wear earrings on them. Now I still love buying accessories but they're mainly for the sake of owning them and looking at them all together. It's stupid. But meh.

Forever 21 (Php 305)

M.I.C. at SM (Php 275)

Some random clothing shop (Php 100) 

 Earrings and bracelets in ice cube trays (Php 80/3 pcs)

 Mesh earrings holder (custom-made by Dad)

 Necklaces and rings

 Bangles, bracelets and earrings

 Lace and black feather earrings made by me
Torquoise feather earring bought at a random accessory stand

 Rings from random clothing shops and stands

 Favorite Eiffel Tower earrings from A'postrophe (approx Php 300) 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Food Log (042011)

Food intake (April 20, 2011)

Breakfast: 2tbsp spicy tuna, lettuce, scrambled egg in pita bread
Lunch: Kenny Roger's Roasted Chicken sandwich, mushroom and baby corn side, and cheese and garlic potato side
PM snack: 2 servings of Nori-flavored Pringles
Dinner: one medium-sized apple and mango yogurt


Treadmill (25 mins)
Elliptical Trainer (15 mins)
Weight training (20 mins)

Work (1pm to 9pm, 11pm to 12mn)

Gots to get into shape

So I've been thinking about my workout regimen and I just don't think that I'm doing enough. I've been having doubts that what if I keep doing what I'm doing now, and still not get any kind of results after a few weeks. What if I'm doing things wrong? I know it would take time for any kind of weight loss to occur. That's why I devoted my afternoon yesterday to researching other ways to exercise other than going to the gym every other day.

I already tried the jumping rope yesterday morning and according to a site you burn about 171 calories after doing so for 15 minutes. I counted how many times I jump per minute and I can do 120 and I'm out of breath. How the hell would I manage to do a continuous 15-minute long jumping rope session without killing myself? So I settled for minute-long reps with 30 second breaks in between, times 5. Maybe I'll have enough stamina to do the 15 minute thing in the future, but I'm not sure if I'd really just burn 171 calories cos the 5 minutes alone was torture!

I also researched about work out routines that I can watch online or through a DVD and I came across Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I've loved her ever since The Biggest Loser, and man I love that show. I also saw some before and after photos of people who tried the regimen and I'm not quite sure of their authenticity but it made me want to try it. I thought of choosing the high rode and searched for sites where I can order it online. But I already had a booboo years before when I ordered Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs from the Home Shopping Network for about P4000, when a few weeks after I found it in Ruins. So Cha said I could find it online and just download it through a torrent and I did. Gonna start doing it tomorrow. I hope I don't slack off.

Food intake (April 19, 2011)

Breakfast: scrambled egg and whole wheat toast
Lunch: ham, cucumber, lettuce and mustard in two whole wheat bread slices
PM snack: one pack Sky Flakes (3 crackers)
Dinner: ham, cucumber, lettuce and mustard in two whole wheat bread slices


Jump Rope (600 jumps)

Work (11am to 7pm, 9:30pm to 12mn)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Food Log (041811)

Food intake (April 18, 2011)

Breakfast: Scrambled egg and whole wheat toast
Lunch: Boiled mixed vegetables and 2 packs Sky Flakes
PM snack: 1/2 Cucumber, lettuce, mustard in whole wheat bread
Dinner: 4 shrimp dumplings, Del Monte Fruit Snack, Fit and Right Pineapple drink, a small donut


Treadmill (20 mins)
Elliptical Trainer (20 mins)
Weight training (10 mins)

Work (11am to 9pm, 11pm to 12mn)

Yupyup. Toodles! :D