Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reality shows save the day

I really don't get how I end up feeling so tired at the end of the day. You can hardly say that sitting on a semi-comfortable chair, in front of a laptop, finding ways to entertain myself is exhausting. In fact, I am torn between feeling embarrassed and lucky about my current day job. Sure I work for a prestigious brand but what have I been learning? What are the upsides of being where I am now?

I guess you can say that (1) my communication skills have improved here after months and months of getting used to speaking to people through a headset's microphone. I lost my touch and charm but I sort of feel like I got it back. Not that I was charming to begin with, I'm not the smiley person after all.

A lot of people would be jealous, and also a lot of people would lift an eyebrow at (2) being able to say that I see lots of hot people and celebrities all day as I sit behind my desk. Yes it's a lame reason but hey, every perk counts. I already had an extremely embarrassing encounter with Akihiro Sato at Serendra but seeing him and at times, Daniel Matsunaga at least once a week after his work out just completes my day. Even the Younghusbands (I know Barbara, Valen, Charlotte, Lia and Joanna would be quite jealous) had a show right smack in front of the shop. So hey, I guess it ain't that bad.

I always find myself really tired when I get home, sad part is I still have to tutor. At least when I'm here at the office, (3) I get to catch up on the latest TV shows thanks to SideReel. I've been following America's Next Top Model Cycle 16, American Idol Season 10 and Work of Art. Pretty good shows that's just my opinion. I used to be a huge TV drama nerd but nowadays I find my self attracted to the reality shows better. I loved One Tree Hill, Gossip Girla and Glee but now it becomes more of an errand for me to keep track of the shows. Friends have been telling me to watch Vampire Diaries. I have the entire Season 1 in my hard drive thanks to Barbara but I haven't even attempted to start with that. Sorry you guys! Damon Salvatore is <3 though.

And lastly I know I shouldn't be complaining about this, but (4) I would like a quick-paced day rather than a slow one since I haven't really been doing much at work lately. I hate stress cos who doesn't? But I just want to feel it somehow. I am sooooo hoping for that promotion to materialize.

Anyway, entire day at work yesterday. Pretty boring as usual save for a few walk-ins and a whole lot of show marathons. I was counting my calories but I figured a little bit of churros from Dulcinea wouldn't hurt. I got that and 8 pieces of mini cream puffs for my family. The churros tasted like solid oil dipped in chocolate. It made me feel sick. But for P98 pesos, I guess I should quit complaining.

Food intake (April 17, 2011)

Breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 tbsp pineapple jam and a scrambled egg
Lunch: Mixed boiled vegetables with butter and two packs of Sky Flakes (3 crackers per pack)
PM snack: 3 little churros from Dulcinea
Dinner: Chicken ham, lettuce, cucumber and mustard in whole wheat bread

Work (11am to 9 pm, 11pm to 12mn)

Yup yup. That's all folks. Toodles :3

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