So I've been thinking about my workout regimen and I just don't think that I'm doing enough. I've been having doubts that what if I keep doing what I'm doing now, and still not get any kind of results after a few weeks. What if I'm doing things wrong? I know it would take time for any kind of weight loss to occur. That's why I devoted my afternoon yesterday to researching other ways to exercise other than going to the gym every other day.
I already tried the jumping rope yesterday morning and according to a site you burn about 171 calories after doing so for 15 minutes. I counted how many times I jump per minute and I can do 120 and I'm out of breath. How the hell would I manage to do a continuous 15-minute long jumping rope session without killing myself? So I settled for minute-long reps with 30 second breaks in between, times 5. Maybe I'll have enough stamina to do the 15 minute thing in the future, but I'm not sure if I'd really just burn 171 calories cos the 5 minutes alone was torture!

I also researched about work out routines that I can watch online or through a DVD and I came across Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I've loved her ever since The Biggest Loser, and man I love that show. I also saw some before and after photos of people who tried the regimen and I'm not quite sure of their authenticity but it made me want to try it. I thought of choosing the high rode and searched for sites where I can order it online. But I already had a booboo years before when I ordered Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs from the Home Shopping Network for about P4000, when a few weeks after I found it in Ruins. So Cha said I could find it online and just download it through a torrent and I did. Gonna start doing it tomorrow. I hope I don't slack off.
Food intake (April 19, 2011)
Breakfast: scrambled egg and whole wheat toast
Lunch: ham, cucumber, lettuce and mustard in two whole wheat bread slices
PM snack: one pack Sky Flakes (3 crackers)
Dinner: ham, cucumber, lettuce and mustard in two whole wheat bread slices
Work (11am to 7pm, 9:30pm to 12mn)