Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reunited and it feels so effin good

Yesterday became an unplanned cheat day and I feel like poop cos of it.

is evil

Janine and I watched the current cycle of ANTM while indulging in Baked Doritos and Pillows, which I shouldn't be allowed to be doing. Which is perfect cos watching skinny and gorgeous models just made me hate myself for eating and made me kept on eating cos I felt depressed. But it was pretty much a sabaw day at the office but hey, we're smart, we figured out how to defeat boredom.

Jom "the soccer player from Cebu" is in Manila and texted me that he was going to Makati (where I worked) yesterday afternoon. So that night I was in the shop, secretly watching reruns of America's Next Top Model Cycle 16 when the door opened and Nicole and Jom were there. Had dinner at Pepperlunch although I sort of already had dinner a few hours before that =( It was fuuuun catching up with them though. Attempted blowing Jom's ego up and succeeded. So bad ass that we were all affiliated to one hotel chain. Steph and her friend, Barney followed. Flew from Bicutan to Magallanes in a matter of seconds. Had to run back to the shop then the hotel to time out and return my uniform while they had a yo-break. 

Headed to National Sports Grill for drinks and dinner for Steph and Barney. My Strawberry Daiquiri tasted like cough medicine. It was gross but I had to drink it cos I felt bad for my wallet. Already tried out a drink there before and hated it, should've learned my lesson then.

It was crazy fun getting to hang with them again. Too bad Florence and Berna were missing in action; would've been totally perfect.

Food intake (April 14, 2011)

Breakfast: Half a bowl of corn flakes, half a glass of soy milk, sliced banana and baby mango
Lunch: Sweet pork, lettuce and asparagus wrapped in a tortilla, and a few more asparagus stems
PM snack: Baked Doritos, chicken ham, lettuce, cucumber and mustard in whole wheat bread
Dinner: Chicken Pepperlunch and Strawberry Daiquiri


4 trips to and from the hotel and the shop (brisk walking pace) toting heavy laptop bag

Work (1pm to 9pm)


Need more inspiration. I sort of felt kind of down about something yesterday and it translated to how I look, felt and acted. Not sure if I'm comfortable sharing whatever it is I have pooping in my head so for now I'll keep it in the dark. 

I don't like losing people. Of course in the literal sense, no one wants to lose someone cos of death, but by this I mean I don't like people I am close to suddenly become distant. I'm a clingy person in general. I'm clingy with my family, my friends, and I admit even to my special someones. 

I am like The Rash.

I need today to be happy. I'll figure it out. 

In the meantime, I leave you with two awesome comic artists whom you probably already know, but I will mention them anyway.

That's it for now. Toodles <3

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